Monday, May 12, 2008

Still Pregnant!!

Well I had another doctor's appointment today and the news: NOTHING HAS CHANGED!! I almost started crying. I am soo tired of being pregnant, I even tried castor oil last night. Which I took at 9pm, ya soo not smart. It kicked in about 1am, so I only had to get up 6 times in the middle of the night. So now I am scheduled for a ultrasound on Friday and will be induced around the 22nd if I make it that far. My doctor seemed only mildly convinced that I would start on my own. My body just will not cooperate, Kyla is ready to rock and roll. Anyway I guess I had better find some new projects cuz it looks like I am going to be alone for a while longer.


krystie said...

k here is the secret....mop your floor on your hands and knees and really get into it and the casor much did you take? i took a 50ml or 100ml botttle i drank the whole thing it baby was here in 12 hours

Tim and Ashlee said...

I have no advice being as this month now marks month 12 of me being pregnant...and I still have 3 more months to go. It's been VERY long.

PeavoyMom said...

Poor Julie! They say sex, spicey food, and massaging your pressure points on your hands and feet. I jumped on the trampoline, ate a huge chinese buffet, and did suggestion number one after the massaging and finally had mine a week late. Good luck! I will pray for you!

JWalburger said...

You could try a pedicure. It is the only thing that worked for my sister-in-law. In fact, they refuse to give pedicures to pregant woman who are less tahn 36 weeks along as so many woman go into labour in 24 hours after. And even if it doesn't work, it gives you a chance to pamper yourself and get rejuvenated.

Francis Family said...

Yup I agree with the sex, it put me into labour 3 times with Kyla! Also the spicy food thing I heard helps, long walks, and the pressure point on your ankle. But I swear by the sex one...try it! You could go get a massage, they wont massage you later in pregnancy cuz of early labour. Those are my pointers, I would be doing everything to get the babies out if I went overdue! Esecially after having so many preterm labour scares, ha good luck!!!

PeavoyMom said...

Haven't heard anything for a couple of days. Hope all is well, and that you are having (or have had) her!