Monday, March 23, 2009


Well I finally joined the club. When are of you were reading the Twilight books I silently sat there shaking my head. I was soo tired of all the Edward talk. Oh he's so perfect, so dreamy... blah, blah. But then I was tricked!!! Well not exactly Meagan simply offered to lend me her copy. How could refuse, now I didn't have to buy the book AND if there happened to be a DVD shin-dig I would be invited. Well four days later I had: read all 4 book (I went and bought them), slept a total of 20 hours, lost 5 pounds and neglected everything/one else in my world. AND I loved them, I am not in love with Edward though I think that is just weird. So when the movie came out I went and bought it! My sister in law had said it was terrible, but others liked it. I was prepared to not be totally impressed, but man it was even worse then I could've imagined. It was one of the worst movies I have ever seen! The pace was so slow I almost lost my mind and the acting was so horrible/cheesy that I wanted to gag!! Oh well back to ready in the Edward Twilight=)


JWalburger said...

lol, I had a good chuckle when I read this post. I read the books as fast I could too...I barely put them down! I also agree about the movie. I saw it in theatres and told Rob not to worry about me prchasing it....NOT IMPRESSED! Glad you were able to enjoy the books.

4 Dynomite Rasmussens said...

I also LOVED the books - and I am also not in love with Edward - but I definately despise Jacob! I don't like him at all! for the movie - at first I didn't like it as much - but then I remembered that even Harry Potter isn't as good as the books. We are comparing to such detail, which obviously was left out in the making of the movie. But I've watched most of the movie again, and I like it - not love just like! :) BTW thanks for coming to the party it was a blast - I hope!

Lahni said...

I haven't seen the movie yet. I did download it though and I plan on watching it someday. I do own all four books but I'm not a huge fan, I posted on the series a while ago if you're interested in why I don't like the books!

PeavoyMom said...

I loved the books too. Someone once mentioned the books as a readers junk food. They're not exactly deep mind stimulation, but they sure taste yummy. Oh, you get what I mean.
I on the other hand, enjoyed the movie too. Books are way better, but whatever.

angie said...

you're so funny. i thought the movie was done really badly too. it had weird lighting, the actors all talked slow and weird and i don't think they really spent much money on it.
i am in love with edward, but only the edward in the book, only the edward i imagined, not the "movie edward"

Tim and Ashlee said...

Loved the books. But not the movie! Edward was ugly!