Friday, February 20, 2009

Kyla's new diet

Well Kyla is still not gaining weight. We went away last weekend and left her with my in-laws and I hoped that maybe she would start drinking her bottles for them. But alas it was even worse I went and weighed her yesterday= same weight for almost 4 weeks. So we are being referred to a nutritionalist and Kyla is starting a high calorie diet. Cream, butter, cheese and dips on everything. (I think I have been on this diet for quite some time=) They also suggested homo cow's milk so we are starting that as well. Next week is her 9 month doctor's appt so I am going to ask to be referred to a pediatrition. Keep your fingers crossed for me that something will work.


the fellers said...

I really want to read this post, but you cant see the writing on your blog for some reason! Dang it!

the fellers said...

yay, now I can read it, and I love the look. I hope this makes you feel better, but remember when Rylee went through this? Well, she still wont take formula, for anything, and only breast milk from me, but she does like homo milk, and is starting to learn to drink it....and the dips and butter and everything, that is what they put Ry Ry on, and it has worked, she now has chubby little fingers and starting to get rolls on her legs, and her cheeks are bigger, I am sure it will work for Kyla! good luck!

Roe Family said...

I hope the new diet works for Kyla and she starts gaining a little weight!! I wish we could all have that diet!!! LOL